
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tool Time Tuesday...Recycled Packing To Envelope

Happy Tool Time everyone!! Today is a recycling project with a few random tools used along the way. People ask me all the time where I come up with my ideas. Sometimes they just hit me square on when I'm looking right at it.

Today, we'll be making this cute little can use it for any occasion. A "just because" love note, party favor bag, goodie bag, place card holder etc...

You know I went to Ikea last weekend with my daughter Courtney and she bought that cute table. Click here for that post. Well, we went back again Sunday and I bought a few pieces for a work project.

You know what you get when you buy things in big boxes...this mess! There's that idea hitting me square in the face.

and this packing material, that feels like "material".

It's thin and easy to work with.

Feels like foam fabric.

So let's get started using up some packing material.

Get out any template that you have around...old envelopes, cd's etc.

I'm using an old coin envelope.

Carefully open up all seams and pin to packing material.

It's easy to cut out too.

Here's where trial and error came in. Can't sew on this stuff...I tried. Skids too much on the sewing machine and doesn't flow under the machine foot.

I wasn't sure about hot glue...although a low temp glue might work.

Just used good old glue stick and it was great!!

Re-glue the seams the way you pulled it apart.

Now you can write little notes.

The fabric is see through so it's perfect if you were putting someone's name on each's right through.

Now for a little "tool" fun...grommets.

Little grommets and the hammering tool they come with.

Just make a tiny whole in the fabric, place in the grommet and then use the tool to hammer set it in.

Add a little string.

I did hot glue on this button with low temp glue and nothing melted! Lol

Add you note and a sweet treat...

and wrap the string around the button to secure!

Cute, easy and what a great way to re-use packing material. You can make them in any size for any occasion.

Great for...

  • Christmas secret Santa gifts
  • quilting bee gifts
  • little Valentine pouches for kid's school parties
  • birthday party favors
  • love notes tucked into children's lunch boxes

Endless ideas for this recycling material. Have fun with it.

As a side note...if you don't have this kind of packing material handy, you can always use interfacing fabric found in the sewing section. That has the same see through appearance like this idea.

Have a great Tuesday,

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  1. Awesome. I always hated throwing that material away, I just never could think of what to use it for. This is perfect!

  2. You continue to amaze me with your clever ideas! I always learn something from your blog. thanks

  3. Having trouble commenting. Love the post.

  4. We have some and I've been wondering what to do with it. Great post! :)

  5. What a cute idea. I love that particular packing material, but I've never thought much about how to reuse it.
    BTW--I really have enjoyed browsing through your blog. I hope it's ok that I pin things from here from time to time on Pinterest. Today, I pinned your bow tie quilt block, and it was repinned 3 times almost immediatley. That happens everytime I pin something of yours. Keep up the good work. The world loves you.

  6. Love this one. The possibilities are endless now that you got us going.
    My name is Karen too but I just realized today reading your post that we both have Courtneys too. Now you don't have an Abigail too do you? That would be too weird. :-)

  7. i have learned a lot from your blog...helpful for me while making Gift Card envelopes...thanks for sharing.

  8. Thank you so much for sharing! I make and sell jewelry and these are perfect little gift bags!!!


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