
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thoughts on Thursdays...

I love "doing" the laundry...the part I don't like is putting it away!

Have a great Thursday,


  1. I LOVE the smell of clean laundry!

  2. OMGosh ... such a ditto ... love doing laundry, love hanging it out, love taking it off the line .... HATE, HATE, HATE putting it away!!! but will not live out of the basket.

  3. I like ironing..... sad isn't
    I usually try and combine the ironing with some applique ironing as well.

  4. Maybe if my dressing room and laundry room were combined....

  5. Tell you what Karen, I'll swap you. Come and do my washing and I'll put it all away (and yours too!).

  6. I especially love the fresh smell of hanging it on the line outside. Once it's all neatly folded it's hubby's turn to put it all away :)

  7. I don't like any of it. Bill does most of our laundry!

  8. I'm glad I'm not the only one :)

  9. I'll take the laundry over the dishes any day.

  10. I hate doing laundry all together, but I hate it even more when my husband does it and leaves everything in a ball in a basket. Redo!
    Prim Blessings

  11. I love how the machine does the laundry... the folding and putting away and ESPECIALLY the ironing.... I despise. That is a chore that never ever seems to be done.

  12. You must have been mind reading....that's might though exactly!

  13. I SO agree with that! I'll fold it and put on top of the dresser for more than a day before I'll break down and put it all away! And I don't understand why I do that, it only takes a few minutes when I actually do it. (roll eyes)

  14. Then you are more than welcome to come to my house I can make you ecstatic. I will put it away if you wash, dry and fold. I admit I am sleep washer, put it in the washer, go to bed at night, get up an hour early throw it in the dryer, go back to bed, and get them out when I get ready for work. The things I am not wearing stays in the dryer or on top of it until I get around to it. I hate laundry!! I had friend who loved it, one time she surprised me by coming to my house and taking it all to her house then brought it all back wash, dried and folded, that was the best present I could have ever gotten.

  15. My husband and I are retired so----I do the washing and he puts it away. I would not trade him for all the tea in China.

  16. Ah, laundry. Seems like EVERYONE in my house wants to "do" laundry (ie, get it into the washer), but NOONE wants to take it to the next steps. Guess who gets to dry, fold, hang up, and put away? grumble...

  17. I feel this way about doing the dishes--no room for a dishwasher in our very old house, so we do them by hand, which I don't mind at all...almost something soothing about it, and the window over my sink looks out at my flower garden and bird bath...but I will let those clean dishes sit in the drainer until they need dusted if someone else doesn't put them away!

  18. Ditto. I don't like folding the clothes, especially the whites with a ton of socks.

  19. Agree!!!!One of my most dreaded jobs!!


  20. I try to do smaller loads, and was thinking if I owned less clothes in the long run I'd have less laundry to wash and put away. Mmm!


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