
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thoughts on Thursday...

Did you ever have one of those "To Do" List days? So many things to do and so many places to go. One day I was in the drive thru at the bank reading my list and when I was done, mind ticking away, I drove away with the bank tube container. I just took the tube and drove away! Who does that?

I still laugh about it...I had to drive all the way around the bank and wait in line again to return it. You only do that once in a life time.

Have a great day,


  1. ha ha...we sat in a drive through and argued with the teller as she was giving us too much cash in return..we kept sending it back and she would argue and send it right back to us...finally we just drove off. The next day I took it back to the bank president...he wasn't pleased...

  2. That is funny, I left my cell phone on the top of my car and drove around forever to find it and no luck. It was because I had to many to do's.

  3. LOL...nope, have NEVER done that and hope I never do. =) but I am terribly forgetful when I have tons of stuff to do!

  4. LOL! I have never done that but I'm sure I have done something equally as brainless :)

  5. Back in the day, when my to do list was long..I went to my local grocery ~ used a check to pay for my groceries and signed the check Rita KROGER ( I was at the kroger store!)

  6. LOL. I think we all have days like that. Last week, I left my keys in my PO Box door, and then asked the clerk at the counter if I had left my keys on the counter when I was there a few minutes earlier.

  7. hahahaaa!!!!! I am sure I have done many things like the one you tell us about. I just don´t remember now to tell one!

  8. I think we all have those kind of days.
    I seen people drive away with the gas hose still in there car! LOL
    Prim Blessings

  9. That is a good one Karen, and thanks for the first chuckle of the day.

  10. I love it, Karen - guess we've all had days like that. I once went through the drive through at Taco Bell and told them that I wanted to place a "to go" order!! My teenage son was with me at the time and almost died laughing!!

  11. There's a story that Pam & Peggy of Sidetracked Home Executives tell of doing exactly that - and they were in a cab on the way to the airport to catch a plane!

    Glad you could laugh about it - maybe it was your brain's sneaky way to get you a few more seconds of sitting doing nothing (while waiting in line to go back...)

  12. You have drive through banks????

  13. In my efforts to add more exercise to my day, I avoid drive through lines. Which is good, because I can see myself doing this same thing!

  14. That's funny! One time I was at the drive up mac machine and I couldn't reach, so I got out of the car, and lock myself out. D'oh...people were so mad that they couldn't access the machine, but no one offered to help me!!

  15. Oh yeah, I do crazy things like that all the time! I think it's my age!


  16. I have to admit, recently, I found our home phone in the freezer and I've found it in the linen closet with the towels before. One day, I was at the vet's office which is named Blue Ridge Animal Hospital and wrote my check out to another office - Blue Ridge OB/GYN, ahem, embarrassing.

  17. Now Girls "Lucy" on t.v. use to pay her bills with her checks going to the wrong people on purpose so by the time she got them back she had enough in the bank and Ricky wouldn't know. Boy ya don't do that now days. They would put you under the jail.LOL.
    Karen that's a good one, ya must have had your new quilt shop on your mind. Preoccupied!!!

  18. Karen I just thought of something. I know why you drove off with it.
    You had some kind of organizational thing in mind for it. You looked at it and said ooowa I could use that for .....
    Yup, you were thinking.

  19. LOL! Sounds exactly like something I would do. And the other comments are cracking me up, too! :-D

  20. Yes, I've done exactly that. I didn't drive back around though. I parked and took it back in side. I've also ordered and paid for coffee at the drive through window at least twice and driven off without it. you are not alone.

  21. I did the same thing a couple of years ago!

  22. Glad to know I'm not the only one who has done this. I have also gone through the drive-through at McDonalds, paid at the first window and then drove off without picking up my food at the second window. The bad part was I wasn't getting food for me but for the passengers in my car. You can bet they stopped me before I got 10 feet past the window!

  23. Neer have drove off with that happening...but I used to be real good at driving off leaving things on the roof of the car...eerything from baby bags to I hate to say it a large cup of hot coffee...Thankfully the back window was part way up and it did not totally spill on my much same daughter only older...I really hate when you leae something on the roof and everyone is beeping and pointing and you have no idea why...

  24. By the way if you have an older child or person the bank person did not see...that is when you send them in, so the teller may not know it was you...

  25. I LEFT MY SON AT THE GYM!!! Some days I had him while in thier class daycare while I exercised. While driving home I just had a feeling that I was forgetting something!! Realized while I was pulling in my garage. I actually cried, thinking I was the worst parent alive!

  26. Ohmygosh!!! I can totally understand this! Thankfully we don't have too many of those days.


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