
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sew Darn Crafty Party...Week 13

Happy Sunday everyone and Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful moms in the world! Today is Sunday, so you know that today and for the rest of the's linking time!

I spent most of the day Saturday making new buttons and labels for my side bar. Made a new one for Sew Darn Crafty too (you know it had to match!). You can grab the html code for this one if you'd like on my right side bar.

Sew Darn Crafty is all about YOU!! Show off your projects, share a tutorial, show us your vacation pictures, share a family favorite recipe...share anything. Not only does linking inspire us all, it also brings lots of new people to your blog for a visit. Click here for past parties and lots of inspiration

Easy steps to join in on the fun...

  • link up to the specific project post, not your whole blog. Makes it easier to link right to that post and not  search through all your whole blog. To find the http address to a specific post, just click on the Title of your post.
  • link as many projects as you'd like...old or new
  • anything, sewing, knitting, crafts, organizing, remodeling projects etc...
  • visit other links to share some blogging love! You know we all love comments!
  • grab a Sew Darn Crafty button for your blog (on my right side bar) or just link to the party in your post.
  • the more we share, the more people will join and then there's more inspiration to look at!
  • linking is open til Saturday night, so plenty of time to join in
  • just click the "click here to enter" button and follow the easy steps

Have fun linking up! Don't forget to come back and take a look at all the great projects during the week,


  1. Thanks for hosting, and Happy Mothers Day! I voted for your granddaughters cute Google design, so much fun! I think hers is the best!


  2. Karen, quiero felicitarte por el día de la madre, espero te lo pases muy bien al lado de tu familia, un beso

  3. Thanks so much for hosting! Have a great Sunday :)

  4. Ooooh, another fun linky party! Thanks for doing these Karen. Makes it easy to find other cool stuff out there.

    Happy Mother's Day to you!


  5. Happy Mothers Day to you. Thansk for another useful post full of great ideas x

  6. Happy Mother's Day! Thank you again for hostessing.

  7. We just don't say thank you enough. It's good of you to host. Hope your Mother's Day was wonderful.


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment...I just love hearing from you!