
Monday, May 23, 2011

Do You Have A Dream?...

I don't mean the dreams we have when we are sleeping, but a dream to do something...a hope, a some day. There are little dreams and big dreams.

My little dreams would be to finish a certain quilt, finish cleaning out the attic, get rid of things I really don't use.

My bigger dreams are to pay off the mortgage, pay off college bills (that's not happening any time soon, both girls are still in college, but I can dream!!)

My biggest own a quilt shop. This is soooo just a dream, because I still have to work my regular job as a dental hygienist to pay the know that pesky mortgage and the college bills. Oh yeah, food we need food too...LOL!

Ok, back to the dream. This won't be just any quilt shop. I want it to be a destination quilt shop. I want it to be in a big remodeled barn or beams, high ceilings, wide barn board floors, bright light from big windows and fabric every where.

I want fabric to be divided into three categories...designer, color and era. If you love just one designer, they will be arranged all in one place. If you are shopping just for reds...all colors will be together. If you are shopping just by civil war or 1930's, they will be there. I would by several bolts of the same fabric just to have it in each category. This is a dream remember...stay with me here!!

Attached to the store barn is the class room/retreat barn. Same look, but great big beautiful old farm tables every where with sewing machines, ironing boards and cutting tables for each person. A big old fashion soda fountain bar for snacks, yummy drinks, tea and coffee. Big comfy leather couches for reading thousand of quilt books and magazines.

Now on to the farm house next to the 2 barns...a big remodeled farm house turned retreat house. A big old farm kitchen...I won't get into the details, my head is spinning. I love kitchens. The rest of the farm house will be turned into individual single rooms for each quilter at the retreat. Each quilter will have her own bedroom, bathroom and little sitting area. I know...this is going to be a big farm house...again, a dream.

If you are making it just a day trip to the quilt shop and your hubby is coming along, another barn will have a lounge and virtual sports games like golf, baseball etc for them to play. Large screen TVs every where with all kinds of sporting games on.

My husband and I would love to work together some day and this seems to be the perfect way to go. However, I think we are missing about $500,000.00 give or take.

That's my dream in a nut shell...from a nut case!

Do you have a dream?

Remember...Walt Disney said...All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.

Have a great day,


  1. I would totally come to your shop! It sounds like a quilter's dream, literally!

    My dream is to travel to places I have never been, like Italy, Scotland, North Carolina...

    :) thanks for sharing!

  2. That is a fabulous dream! I'd visit you even tho I don't quilt (but I'd like to when I get old -60 now-). It's good to dream. My dream is that all of my kids, step children (and spouses) would get along.

  3. What a lovely dream. I hope it comes true!

  4. First of all, when your dream comes true...send me an invite I will travel up there from Texas because it sounds wonderful!! My dream design my own quilt pattern!

  5. I'd love to own a quilt shop that featured tone on tone fabrics (blenders) and novelty prints. I would call it Frog in a Blender.

  6. In the meantime, I wish we could buy out Quilts & More.

  7. It tell you what Karen, you get this up and running and I'll fly over from Australia (where I'll be by then) to visit! Fantastic dream! Even if they don't come completely true it's so important to dream big, I think. The whole 'aim for the moon, at least you'll clear the fence' kind of thing. Happy dreaming!

  8. Lovely dream. Can I be caretaker, in a small 3 room shack out behind?

  9. Keep dreaming BIG and in detail! Cut out pictures, keep a notebook. Put all your "dreams" in there. That is how every new invention, gadget, product or business started, as a dream. :) You build it and I know I will come, sounds fantastic.

  10. Speaking of Walt Disney...he filed for bankrupcy 5 times before he founded Disney World. So such inspiration for the rest of us to keep on going for the dreams.

  11. I love it! It sounds like country heaven. Even though haven't tried quilting yet and have never been to New England, I would love to just visit! I have a dream. I want to open a tea shop. I hope you get to fulfill yours!

  12. It's my dream to visit your quilt shop! It would be so amazing!

  13. Visiting your lovely home & sewing room would be amazing. I can only imagine what it would be like to go to a retreat at your dream quilt oasis.

    Would there be a Home Dept nearby?

  14. You have really thought this thru. Sounds like you are really on to you. I think a quilt shop like that would be very successful. Hold onto that dream and maybe you could find a backer to finance your dream. There are people out there who have lots of money and want to be a part of exciting opportunities like that. Maybe you should see about all the ways you could bring that dream to be a reality. It really sound like a place people would travel far a wide to come to! I will be praying for you.

  15. Ah, what a great dream. Could I have a cottage next to your barns for my stitching shop? My dream is much simpler, tons of charts/fibers/fabrics/doodads.... and a friendly place to sit and stitch.
    This dream game is fun. Thanks for reminding us to dream.

  16. Yesterday, as hubby was filling the gas tank, I sat in the car looking at an empty storefront on Main Street in my little town. I asked my son, "What would be a good business to go into that store?" He didn't have an answer but I did, a quilt/fabric shop. I suppose it's every fabricholic's dream. I would visit your quilt farm for sure. I hope your dream comes true.

  17. Karen, what a lovely dream! And it is truly a Quilters Dream. Over 25 years ago I had a dream of opening a quilt shop, but no finances, little children at home, and it really was not a marketable thing at that time. But it is lovely to dream, isn't it?? I think today I would dream of traveling to all the major quilt shows. I've been to a few, but my goal is to go to Houston ;-)

  18. The Mannings Handweaving School and Supply Center--it is in south central PA--check it out! They have a studio and shop at a farm. It is rural, cozy and friendly. I bet if you visited there you would get really great ideas that would encourage you in your dream!

  19. Yep....I would be there in a minute! I can totally picture me sitting at the soda fountain, on a twirling stool, eating a hot fudge sundae, and thumbing through a quilt magazine!

    Sorry I invaded your dream! lol

    My dream is to have all my nails the same length for a whole week! Hey, a girl can dream, right!?! ;o)

    Thanks for sharing, and getting us all dreaming of wonderful things!

  20. I have a dream and it is almost fulfilled. Please visit to see what 17 years of working to complete that dream looks like . My next dream is to learn to quilt so let me know when your shop opens and I'll be there.

  21. My hubby has a dream similar to yours - he calls it his "escape plan" but it also includes a diner, B&B, quilt shop, microbrewery, small farm, yarn shop (with sheep!), etc.. etc... you get the idea? He keeps recruiting co-workers with niche hobbies to escape with us.

  22. You'll need me as a business partner/friend. Not all men are into sports, so the dirtbike trail that runs around the perimeter of our 100 acre parcel will keep the other men occupied and help them feel like they're teenagers again.

    In order to give it that "down on the farm" feeling, we'll need chickens roaming around, a few horses munching in the pasture, etc. And kittens! Don't forget them!

    I think in one area of one of the barns we need an old fashioned quilt frame suspended by ropes where anybody can sit down and stitch. An area nearby with an expresso machine might be a nice touch, don't you think?

  23. A beautiful dream - thanks for sharing. My dream is to have a really nice quilt studio. Big enough for the long arm, the embroidery machine and all the other sewing machines I own to be able to be displayed. My studio would have a comfortable chair for hand work, and nice day bed for that nap, it's own bathroom and a small kitchen area (no stove - don't want to cook!) My studio would have a nice large cutting table where I could work around all sides of it. There would be tons of storage and it would always be neat and orderly (now that's a true dream!)

  24. Your dream is a fabulous and very reachable, attainable dream! Keep working at it!

    My dream involves fabric, too. I would love to open a shop here locally. There is a building not even a mile away that would be perfect. I hear it calling my name every time I pass by!

    On another note, stop by and check out my giveaway!

  25. Sounds very simular to my dream !! Having the same money-problems as you do, I started my on-line shop last week (but still building...)
    Other dreams I had have come true (going to Egypt and ride the Route 66) so I am still hoping for the best.
    When yours will come true, I will be the first dutch woman to see it for myself.
    Untill then....

  26. It would be great to have a "children's" area with Pottery Barn kitchen...and tv with kids movies playing...and some legos (ok..I'm dreamin too). I just remember bringing my kids with me to fabric stores...I brought my "annie" Poppins bag and they would sit on the floor by me, while i looked at the pattern books, etc.


  27. What an ultimate dream shop! It's funny you posted this bz I have a friend opening a quilt shop next month. I've been sewing samples for her and it's the cutest darn shop you've ever seen. I'll be posting pictures of it when she opens. Right now I already walk through it and drool over the fabrics bz the fabric stores we have in town don't have anything like this or the feel that this particular shop already has. It even has a little area for kids to play in while their parents are shopping and public bathroom right by it. No quilt stores in town have a bathroom and sometimes it's needed. My friend is such a creative incredibly talented woman and this shop is great. No virtual sports area for men but it does have a sofa for them to sit on and rest!

    My own personal dream is like your long-range dream. Kids college bills paid, mortgage paid off, but I'd also want to be free to play with my grandkids every day and to sew when my heart desired bz I'd quit my job!

  28. P.S. I forgot to mention that her husband quit his job so that they could open this store together. He's always been so supportive of her dreams and I admire him so much for that. This shop and their finances were thought out very carefully and I just know she's going to do great at it!

  29. My dream is a huge studio with extra space for visitors and classes and lots of (safe) space for grandson to play and keep me company. Throw in an assistant who could help with organizing and ironing, and I could live there.-)

  30. What a wonderful 'Dream' I certainly would love to see something like that. My Dream is not quiet as big but close:) Just a small Farm or large Cottage with a little gift/craft type shop..where people would come and chat and browse and of course stop to shop!! But alas it's also a Dream

  31. What a great dream. I would like to have a fabric store that catered to fashion as well as quilting. There are not many places where you can get decent notions or fabric for making garments. So many fabric stores are glorified craft stores.

    Keep up the dreaming, it is a good one!

  32. Oh if your dream came true...I'd be the first one sounds wonderful!
    My dream is to open a second hand shop...but not just any second hand that houses all kinds of items I would repurpose...

  33. YOUR dream sounds EXACTLY like mine, only I would add a cross stitch and wool applique section in along w/all the quilt fabric/patterns!!
    I have a small 'craft barn' and have always wanted a HUGE one for the above reasons and I was once a cr. st. shop owner and would love to be a shop owner again.
    I dream about this all the time and like you, I'm tons of $$$ short of my dream, but I always say~ if you're gonna dream, dream BIG!! LOL


  34. What a wonderful dream... That sounds like pure heaven.

  35. Wow nice dream. My dream (at least for now) is to have my children leave home. And have a sewing room (that part is coming true). Your room inspired me, along with all the TTT's. I have been working on it for the past 3 weeks and it is turning out pretty nice. I will send pics soon for you to share.
    We put down laminate wood floors and used the left over boards as a top for a cutting table. I will tell you all about all the details.
    Debbie from Texas (

  36. I love your dream! It is similar to the one I have for when I win the lottery. There is an old house in town I would love to buy and turninto a quilt store that carries fabrics not found in any local store. With antiques and local crafts sold as well. Then there is an old stone house vineyard for sle which would make a nice quilt retreat.

  37. Totally love your dream quilt shop!!

  38. If you build it, I will come!!!

  39. I would love to go to your quilt shop!! My dream was similar, but it involves a rustic apple orchard with a large kitchen area for making baked goods and preserves and a gift shop. I could fill the gift shop with all my handcrafted creations.

    One of my favorite quotes is placed over my drafting table and is attributed to Walt Disney. "The only limitation is your imagination." :)

  40. Good evening, Karen,
    I would so come to spend a day or two at your shop/retreat...and especially if you entertained the men! LOL

    Have a terrific Tuesday ~Natalie

  41. I would love to visit your shop. I like the idea of separte areas of fabric by designer, color and era. You would make a great shop owner as you seem good with people. My dream is to design fabric one day and quiting my day job. Nothing wrong with dreaming as many great ideas have came from them.

  42. What a wonderful dream.
    Your shop sounds wonderful!
    Keep dreaming and working towards it ~ some day your dream will come true and we'll all be here telling you how awesome it is.
    I've been dreaming of opening my own prim shop ~ some day my dream will come true too.
    Prim Blessings

  43. i'm retired, but I would sure like to work part time in your shop!!!!

  44. Sound very much like my dream. Mine would not be in a barn but I love that idea. I would also a a child area, you know some place for the kiddos to go so mom can touch each fabric. I really like the idea of having a game/tv room for the guys. If he wants to hang you then you get more time. Oh and a mini book area for buying and reading books. And I would be open from 11 to midnight. LOL!!

  45. I believe all dreams should be taken seriously. My husband has had his own small dental lab since 1977. I worked for the oldest farm in America as their cook and they have decided to end 13 generations of farming . A group of people are trying to organize business'that would reflect the farm the old barn is available for anyone interested having a small business that would reflect New England way of life. Don't you think you'd fit right in?


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