
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thoughts on Thursdays...

Did you ever have one of those days where you just HAVE to run out of the house for a "quick errand", so there is no time to'll do it when you get back! Well, I think if you put on a little lipstick and silver hoop earrings, you feel less greasy. I'm just saying!! LOL

I'm off to shower now,


  1. Those are the times you run into the high school beauty queen.. LOL

  2. Those are the days you run into 10 people you know in the grocery store!

  3. Oh yes, I refer to those days as "bump into your ex or your frenemy from high school" times.

  4. I always put on dark sunglasses too, but inevitably I run into someone I know! :)

  5. LOL.....yep. A little lipstick does wonders in situations like that!

  6. lol Murphy's Law comes into play on days like that.

  7. Yes, and it's always the day you run into someone and wish you hadn't! lol

  8. For me it is hair up in a bun or ponytail, some mascara and lipgloss :)

  9. I just started reading your blog . . . I absolutely LOVE it. thanks!

  10. Nope I get up at 5 a.m. go walking at 6:30 a.m. and can't wait for the shower. It would be my luck that I would run into someone I knew and they would want to hug my neck.LOL.

  11. A ponytail and baseball cap cover a multitude of sins, too! Good times...

  12. Oh yeah, all the time...problem is in a small country town you can't get away with it...even with lippy, ear rings and perfume....just doesn't cut

  13. Always the time I run into someone I know - that looks fantastic! UGH!! Looks like other commentors have the same feelings/experiences!! When will we learn?? LOL!

  14. LOL, yep, you'll run into every single person you know every single time you try it! Deb

  15. I do that all of the time. It's amazing what ear rings and a little lipstick does.

  16. This made me laugh. My cousin and I remember our Quebecoise grandmother saying, "A Frenchwoman doesn't leave the house without lipstick," and when we're together and about to go out, one of us always repeats this. One day she was visiting and I had to make a dump run...and we still put on lipstick and laughed as we chanted, "A Frenchwoman doesn't --!"


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