
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Swap Question and a Poll...

I haven't had a fabric swap in a while. I was thinking about having one in the near future, so I need some ideas and opinions.

First, if you've never been involved in a fabric swap, here's how I've done it in the past
  • a theme is picked such as color, fabric pattern, maybe just 5" squares or 2 1/2" squares, just hexagons etc
  • a certain number of participants is chosen...too many gets crazy though
  • if, for example, there are 80 swappers and the theme is 5 inch red squares (any design on the fabric)...everyone sends me 80 - 5 inch red squares along with an envelope addressed back to you that already has the correct postage on it. Which I will tell you how much the postage will be.
  • I sort all the fabrics or blocks into 80 different piles (every one gets one square from each of the 80 participants) and then I mail them back to you in the envelope you have provided.
  • I open it up to any one from all over the world, but international participants MUST have a paypal account to reimburse me for postage. There must be US postage on your return envelope when I mail it back to you, which I must provide. You will wire the money through paypal and then I will pay for the postage back to you with the money you have sent me. Just to clarify...Paypal is for International swappers ONLY, because international swappers can not put US postage on the return envelopes themselves from their country!! I'll have to do that here from a US post office to get the package back to you
Swaps are such a wonderful way of receiving fabrics or squares from all over the world. They are great for charm quilts or scrap quilts or just a great way to have a beautiful selection of fabrics.

Here are some swap ideas
  • 5 inch charm squares any fabric
  • polka dots
  • floral
  • I Spy
  • red fabric
  • black and white fabric
  • a certain fabric maker or designer...just Moda or just Kona etc
My question to you...

What kind of swap would you be interested in? I'm thinking 5 inch squares of something. 5 inch blocks are easy to cut and work with.

This is NOT THE SIGN UP POST...just gathering info!! I will definitely let you know when I open it up.

So what do you think?


  1. I agree 5 inch squares are easiler to cut and use. I would love so many of your suggestions but my favorites would be all Moda fabric or black and red fabrics.

  2. Oh, me first! I'm in Karen. Your I Spy swap was the first I participated in, and loved it! Polka dots sound fun, or your red idea, but I think I'd would do anything....

  3. A swap sounds like fun - a little troubled by the Pay Pal account. Would you consider a check in US funds to cover the postage, sent with the fabrics?

  4. Sounds fun! I'd love to do 2 1/2 inch strips of fabric (jelly roll style).

  5. I would be in! Any color scheme in 5" squares would be fun, but my personal preference would be black and white.

  6. 5" squares! Any fabric, polka dots, or any one specific color. Red would be fine...or blue!

  7. I absolutely love this idea even though I am not a quilter. The "I spy" and designer centered themes sound really interesting to me. Big paypal fan and it is easy to get setup so I support you on that one. Who knows if I get to participate maybe this could be my first quilting project! :-)

  8. I'd be all in for a swap of MODA-only fabric in one color theme, like blues or greens or something like that. And I love 5 inch squares! They are so versatile!


  9. I would love to do 5 inch squares, and love the idea of RED!

  10. Hi Karen! I'd love to participate in this swap, too. I love the 5" squares idea, and am up for anything as far as fabric goes....but I really love Moda's fabrics!



  11. Love 5" squares..I would suggest polka dots because they are so much fun or black and white fabric.

  12. This sounds like a lot of fun! 5 inch squares are easiest to do. Black and white sounds like a great idea or red. One thing I was wondering though...are there any stipulations as to the quality and type of fabric for the swap? I personally only buy quilt shop quality,100% cotton fabric. I would not want to receive Walmart fabric in a swap or fabric blends that aren't suitable for a quilt.Sorry if that sounds a little snobish, but I believe if you are going to use the fabric in a quilt, it should be the best quality possible. (just my opinion)

  13. I love this idea and would like to participate! For the requirements, I think picking a size and a 2-color palette are the best options, for example 5" squares in blue and purple. I don't like the idea of limiting it to one fabric designer, as many people would be barred from participating due to not having access to that fabric for a variety of reasons. That could work for a smaller group where you know everyone can (and previously has) purchased that designer/brand, but for a bigger online swap I think it is maybe not a good plan.

  14. I like the idea. I have never participated in a swap before. I hate to admit it though, I do not know what the I Spy blocks are...please let me know, it sounds fun.

  15. Love the 5" idea - and just about anything - although polka dots and florals would take me out of my comfort zone - which is a GOOD thing!

  16. How fun!! My son just got married and I would love to get started on a I Spy ( just saying or hoping )! Polka dots would also be great!

  17. I've never participated in an online swap or any swap. I think 5 inch squares would be great. I'd be open to any color or maybe it could be 2 colors. Is there a certain pattern we're to use? Or does it end with exchanging fabric. I'm new to this, just asking. It sounds like fun. Count me in. Thanks;>

  18. 5" blocks or 2 1/2" stips of red sounds great. I have done a couple of eye spy swaps lately and fairly happy with what I have gotten. One suggestions is that you specify quality fabric. Not fair to get back something that will fall apart in two washing when you sent quality. Also, I thought this was a given but, SALVAGE MUST BE CUT OFF, meaning 4 - GOOD sides! I could not believe the number of blocks I got with the salvage still attached.

  19. Never done this before, but it does sound fun. I agree that for some, a specific designer could be difficult.

  20. Reproduction fabrics PLEASE!!!

  21. So in if you decide!! I too like the 5 inch squares because they are easy... Color or I Spy sounds fun!

  22. This would be so much fun. I love the idea of polka dots. =]

  23. And 5" squares. You can do a lot with those.

  24. I love the idea of a fabric swap...though I would prefer to swap fat quarters :)

  25. Love the idea of swapping 5 inch squares of one color. I'd really like this one. g.

  26. Love the idea, and I'm in for florals or polka dots.

  27. I have never been part of a swap before either... but, this seems like a great time to change that. I really looooove polka dots, but think the black/white fabric would make a cool quilt!

  28. Oh, I'd love to be part of a swap. I like the 5" size.

    Polka dots sound like so much fun, however I'm wondering if there would be much duplication.

    I like the idea of one or two colors.

    Such a good idea! Thanka.

  29. I like polka dots, I spy or the designer. I really like the designer idea because you know the quality of each fabric would be the same.

  30. ooooooo this sounds FUN!!! I wanna play--polka dots sound fun!! I love the idea of 5" squares, too. Can't wait till you decide and we get to sign up!!

  31. Hi, I'd be interested. I think 5" charms are good, and red is a definite interest! I've been wanting to do a red and white quilt for years, and the recent NYC quilt show already got me thinking! Jo Anna mommollman (at) gmail (dot) com

  32. This sounds like so much fun! I think 5 inch squares would be a great start!

  33. I would love to be apart of something like this. I have never heard of this before. Please do it. I am looking for an easy quilt to be my 3rd quilt, This would be perfect.

  34. Black and white and red all over! Five inch squares -great. I would have to buy too much material to participate in an I spy swap, though I am longing to make one....

  35. Count me in! I am currently working on a project made from 9-patches swapped last year, and just finished a runner top that used lots of reds from a strip swap some years ago. It is so fun! Polka dots are always in my stash, and I never seem to get tired of them, but I also like single color swaps. Charms or strips, whatever.

  36. I love the idea of a 5 inch swap as a started then maybe branching out to more difficult cuts like hex's.

  37. I agree with "oldecrow". I would be really disappointed to get anything but quilt shop fabric in a swap. I too love Moda fabric. A swap sounds wonderful!

  38. I joined your last swap and it was so fun I'm looking forward to another one. 5" squares would be my choice and I like the idea of reds. But anything would be fun.

  39. I have never been in on a swap but would love to!!

    The Polka Dots, Red, or any floral sounds great in the 5" squares!!

  40. I have never done a swap before, but it sounds fun. I would love the 5 inch squares-I would love bright fabrics.

  41. I have never participated in a swap, but I love 5 inch squares, and would love to join if you do it! I'm in!

  42. 5" squares are perfect - it would be like getting a big bunch of charm packs! Personally I would love a Moda exchange or a particular color of fabric.

  43. 5" square would be so easy to cut. I like blank and white or red and white.

  44. I would so love to be in a swap. 5 inch blocks are awesome! I wouldn't mind like a red/aqua swap or a blk/lime green swap or polka dots or something summery or citrus colored. Any kind would be fun! I'm in a rainbow swap now that we have eached been assigned a color and had to send 200 sqrs to the swap mom - 20 sqrs of 10 diff fabrics. I got Hot Pink/Fuchsia! Can't wait to see what I get back in the other colors. Anyway...swap sounds good to me! Jenn

  45. sounds good never done anything like this,glad i am not the only one who has no idea what a i spy is could you tell me please !!

  46. love the 5"square idea, not to kean on I spy as I don't have any. Anything else I probably do. Is there any other way to do international orders as I don't have a Paypal account?

  47. I'd say the 5" squares in either black/white or the dots which would be really fun too.

  48. I would love to join in. I would like a 30's fabric swap or a scrap swap. But anything would be fun.

  49. Five inchers sound great.
    How 'bout solids any color.

  50. I've never been involved in one, but I would love to participate. Since I'm into quilts for little people, I guess I would prefer small florals &/or polka dots in any color. But truly, I would be happy with whatever!

  51. Sounds like fun to me! 5 inch squares would be nice. Also like the Moda Fabric idea :)

  52. I'd prefer 5-inch squares, too. Pretty much any color or theme would be fine with me but I Spy would be my least favorite at this point.

  53. I like the 5" any fabric. It would provide a nice variety.

  54. Given what I do for a living, I'd love to see a swap that involves nature themed fabric.

  55. Sounds great...I would be interested. 5" squares and only Moda sounds like a great idea.

  56. I LOVE 5in charm packs~ you can do so many things w/them and don't have to cut them yourself!! LOL

    I really LOVE Moda fabrics OR maybe a certain color scheme or the polka dots.

    I was in several similar swaps w/handmade greeting cards and it was a lot of fun! This will be a blast!


  57. I have never been in a swap, it all sounds good, I only buy quilt shop fabric but could not guarantee the manufacturer of my smaller scraps, 5 inch squares would be good, I spy, or themed would be interesting

  58. I love the idea of 5" square swap. I'd love to participate in a swap; haven't been in one for about a year.

  59. I've been totally drawn towards black and white prints lately so I'm going to vote for 5" squares of black and white.

  60. I took part in your Spy swap and it was great. I would like to see an anything goes 5 inch squares.

  61. gREAT IDEA - 5" charm squares or 2 1/2" strips seem to be the latest rage and there are plenty of ideas around on how to work with them. I love the idea. Black and white or red sound like good ideas but fairly easy - could be reproduction theme, etc.

  62. I'm still in a red mood from the red & white show, so I vote for a red 5" square swap. I like the idea of swapping jelly roll strips, but it would require a lot of yardage.

  63. Sounds wonderful. 5 inch squares or 2 1/2 inch strips would be great. All batiks maybe.

  64. Love the charm pack idea-my sugestions would be themed such as Red/White and BLue for 4th of July- or Batiks or Black and White- or Shabby Chic!

  65. Love the idea of a swap, but would frown on restricting it to just Moda Fabrics especially if we had 80 participants. I love, love, love polka dots and think that they are the perfect neutral in every application! Would also love red or even green for everything Christmas related. Of note: The edge of the fabric is called, The selvedge, and not the salvage. Salvage is something that you rescue that has been discarded. Not being snarky, just thought the correct terminology should be used.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Oh what fun! I've never participated in a fabric swap before, and I would really love it. I think I theme of DOTS or STRIPES would be amazingly fun, and 5" squares would be fabulous.

  68. I vote for 5" squares of polka dots or 30s reproduction fabric or food or modes of transportation.

  69. " VINTAGE. Vintage looking. Vintge sheets. Vintage scarfs

  70. I have not been part of your fabric swaps. Have you thought about quarter fats this way each person can cut to what ever size they might need??? I agree vintage fabric would be nice.

  71. This sounds like great fun. Any of your ideas sound good to me. Lately i've been partial to polka dots.

  72. I think that this is a neat idea...have never done before...maybe we need 2 swaps as I was reading that quite a few have never done a swap before...Any color is fine, but partial to purples...

  73. I so enjoyed the I spy swap. A liberty fabric swap would be fun too!

  74. 5 inch squares are a great size !
    red or blue or polka dots would be fantastic!!

  75. I was part of your "I Spy" swappers and it was a lot of fun...I'm all for the 5" squares...and Black and White sounds great!

    Looking forward to this...



  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. I love the idea of 5" squares of polka dots. I am really in need of polka dots. I don't have a Blog yet but i'll sent you my email address.


  78. Question - can we send charm packs that we purchase? I think 5 inch squares would be perfect either way and any color/design would be great for me....

  79. I have participated in swaps in our guild and a few on the internet. I am pretty new to your blog but I would love to participate. I am up for whatever you decide.

  80. I have never participated in a swap and would love to. I enjoy 5" squares alot and love all colors so any would be great.

  81. I too have never participated in a swap but sounds fun. My choice would be black & white or red in 5" squares or the 2 1/2 strips sound fun too.

  82. Since red is my current favorite color, my vote is for 5-inch red squares.

  83. I would love to participate and I think 5" squares would be great. I don't like the idea of limiting it to one designer or fabric line, I would rather mix it up a little bit. The whole idea is to get something back you maybe would not have chosen for yourself.

  84. I would love the idea of 5" squares but what about having sewing patterns? Things like scissors, needles, thread, sayings, machines, etc. for the fabrics and in any color. And I agree that it should all be quilting cottons. I did a quilt top and used some quilting cottons and some regular cottons and I can literally see a difference. Plus I have a quilt shop down the road that I want to check out. Let me know what fabrics and I'll be in.

  85. I like the idea of 5 inch squares in a theme, say cats or vegetables or Christmas.

  86. Hi Karen

    Sounds great. 5" black & white would be cool.

    Thanks for thinking of the international participants. The paypal thing sounds like a great idea.

  87. Never done a swap before but it sounds like fun. I do think the 5 inch square is a good size. I like the black and white choice. Count me in when you get it going.

  88. Fabric swap how exciting! 5 inch please! or what ever, I love fabric.....

  89. I've never posted on a blog, I've never been in a fabric swap (or any other kind!) I don't know what an I Spy quilt is.... but count me in!! 5" sqaures and polkadots would be my choice!

  90. Polka dots could be fun. Or all solids (any color) would be a nice challenge.

  91. 5 inch squares. I very much want to be involved in this.

  92. Oh, I'm interested! I think 5 inch polka dot squares would be awesome.

  93. I would do anything I think it would be fun! 5" squares sound great!

  94. I think it would be interesting to see the finished projects that everyone made from their swap. Is there a way you could collect and post the photos?

  95. Did you ever do a swap? What if everyone could send maybe four 5" squares -- that way we could sew them together and call it our friend/blogger quilt, to perhaps add to in the future. I'm new to quilting and would love something like this, if just for a very small sampler.



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