
Friday, April 1, 2011

Blog Buddy...Changing to New Post Editor

Many of you read my post on Sunday night about my frustration with Blogger and writing a simple post. It was a popular post to say the least. Proof positive by the number of comments and separate emails I received. Seems like we all have a little stress with one feature or another. 

Well, I made the change to the new post editor. It has more features and just takes a little bit to get use to, but it is a welcome breath of fresh air...especially the picture section and the spaces between paragraphs actually show up!! Woo Hoo.

Many of you asked how to change your post editor to Blogger's new version, so here are the steps...CLICK ON PICTURES TO ENLARGE.

Go to your dashboard and click "Settings" (circled in black).

The first section under settings is "BASIC" (which should be the first page to show up)

Scroll down to the bottom of that page to "Select Post Editor". Pick the updated version and click "SAVE"

This is what the new one looks like.

Here is what the "ADD IMAGES" screen looks like.

Add all your images onto the loader and then you can pick the one you want to load by clicking on will be high lighted in blue.

The best part is the picture will load where ever you want it. Just put the cursor any where in the post and where ever the cursor is...that's where the picture will show up. If you load them in order one after another before you write any thing, the first one you put the first one in your post. FINALLY, I hated loading in the pictures backwards.

To do things with the on it to high light it and you can delete it, move it left/right/center, size it small/med/large etc.

The Preview button is nice too. A separate page will pop up and show you what the post will look like in the actual context of your blog.

I am new to this editor, so if any one out there has any more input or helpful hints...please leave them in the comment section.

Good luck,


  1. The font is somewhere in the design section - where you chose the colours and the backgrounds etc. I'm on the iPad at the moment so can't check easily, but if you can't find it, email me and i'll find it on the pc and let you know

  2. If you go into design, and into template designer, click advanced, you can choose the font you want everything to be.

  3. I the bar above the box in which you type your post, to the far left is a captial F in script. Click on it for drop-down menu of fonts. You can click on the font you want and, bob's your uncle, your post will be in that font.

  4. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I followed your instructions and my posts are now evenly spaced. You truly are the queen! Have a nice weekend, your highness!!!!

  5. Wow, thanks Karen. You make it sound so easy :-)

  6. Before I get brave enough to do this, I have a question. I looked at the new screen and can't see where you'd click if you want to provide a link in your blog post (to someone else's blog, for instance). It used to be that I highlighted a word or words in my post and then there was a little icon in the toolbar that I no longer see that I clicked and pasted the person's link there. How do you do that with the new editor?

  7. Hello Karen,
    I stumbled onto your blog tonight and I think I could stay and enjoy your blog for a long time! You are wonderful to share so much! I grabbed your button and I am putting it on my blog tonight. I'll be back soon.

  8. Hello Karen,
    I stumbled onto your blog tonight and I think I could stay and enjoy your blog for a long time! You are wonderful to share so much! I grabbed your button and I am putting it on my blog tonight. I'll be back soon.

  9. Thanks, I will try the updated version. I have recently been using Live Writer but even with that it doesn't always come in like I planned. However, my feeling has been that it is free so I can't complain too much. ;-)

  10. I could just kiss you! Thank you so much. I even gave you a shout out on my side.

  11. Pat, to the immediate left of the picture icon is an "L" icon. That will give you the opportunity to link to someone else's blog. I've only been blogging since August 2010, and this "new" one is the only post editor I've had. Loading your photos sounds like a huge effort in the previous type of editor.

  12. Thank you, Karen, for taking the time to share the info....It is very much appreciated! :):):)

  13. Love your blog. Especially your sewing room wow. Thanks for the new info I will have to look into it.

  14. Ok, I need to get with the program, I am still in the 'old ' mode. I do use Windows Live Writer and love it but am still unhappy with the blogger template. Maybe, tomorrow. lol
    Thanks for posting this!

  15. I've been using this for a bit, it is a lot easier. Blogger is making changes later in the year that look like they will make things better too!

  16. Karen, thank you so much for all the tips about using the new editor.
    I NEED to try it. I still load my pictures in backward order. It is a pain!!! Have a great week!!

  17. I have just found your blog - all the sewing crafty goodies, and blog advice, too? Thank you!

  18. Thank You for posting this!!! I've noticed a few of my friends' blogs had updated blogger b/c I could tell with their photos... and just didn't know how I could update too. I never saw anything to click on from my dash board.

    Thanks for your screen shots pointing me to right where I needed to go - I'm now updated! Thanks!

    Love from Texas! ~bonnie

  19. I love your advise! I've learned quite a bit in just a few posts. :) I am a new subscriber and am following via GFC. I've also added your button to My Button Collection page. Hope you'll stop by, look around and say "Hi".

    Have a great Sunday,

    Coupons, Crafts and Causes
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    Indiana Inker
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  20. What an awesome resource you are...I love your organized presentation!!! I am a fairly new blogger and am still fine tuning my blog. I was going through each one of your posts but my dashboard looks nothing like your picture (I was going to update to the new editor) so I cannot figure out how to adjust the settings. Are there different places or something to view ones dashboard?


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