
Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Thoughts on Thursday...

Have you ever driven up to the speaker of the drive thru menu board to order and then realize you are talking to the trash can?

You only do that once!! LOL



  1. Ummm No - LOL Are you having a bad day honey - LOL

    Hugs - Fee X

  2. No but I've answered the remote control before.

  3. Love it!!!!! Do you remember when the Jack in the Box places had clowns that you had to give the order to? I dated a guy once who had never been to one and he thought I was kidding when I told him that we had to order through the clown head.

  4. Too funny.....and I am wondering where you come up with some of this just crack me up!!

  5. Yes, but you can drive away without your order time & time again!

  6. More importantly, did the trash can talk back? That would be a bigger concern.

  7. need to slow down and take a breath, as my Mom used to say. Have a Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!

  8. No but I nearly sprayed my hair with air freshener....

    Thanks for the laugh this morning!

  9. No, but while talking to my girlfriend on my cell phone I was looking through my purse and told her, "Crap, I think I lost my phone!".

  10. Well, not necessarily! You know, not all trash cans look alike! how about trying to change the tv channel with the cordless phone? Or holding your keys while frantically looking through your purse for them? Oh yeah, I've done it all!


  11. Not yet! But I wouldn't rule it out :) Thanks for the giggle, Karen!

  12. That gave me a good laugh.;) Thanks.

  13. Really funny. We've all done things like this, whether we admit it or not.

  14. I would be willing to bet that it happens on a daily basis at every drive-through (and probably more than once a day!!). Thanks for my morning giggle.

  15. I can't stop laughing at the mental image of expecting a trash can to serve you.

  16. O.K., I was making pancakes the other day. When I cook, I put all the cooking trash into the, thinking about where the shell was going, I cracked the egg INTO the sink. Duh! Luckily, I had more eggs.
    Moms just try to do too much. Thanks for sharing, we all do "Duh" stuff.

  17. ROFLOL! You are too much Karen! Haven't done that yet. Although often when canning, I find myself throwing the apple cores in the pot with the apples and vise versa!

  18. Well, I suppose if the trash can isn't in your driveway. Then you are doing well.

  19. glasses on top of your head whilst you're asking / majorly TELLING your hubs to *FIND MY GLASSES*! .... we all have those days ... i love em .... darlene

  20. No, but I did have an entire conversation at the drive thru at McD's once with the car in front of me - only to discover, once I got to the window, that they had been listening to the whole thing! Fortunately, I didn't say anything too embarrassing! :o]

  21. I'm a little late reading but that was still funny. Especially since we went to a drive-in Thursday and I did the talking. But for me it resulted in food. :-)


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