
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lots of Requests for Metal Stamping...

Hello everyone...I had lots of requests and emails about the metal stamping on the bookmark I did in the tea and coffee post yesterday. I am definitely not an expert on this...still a newbie, but would love to share how it works with you.

I'll put together a post for Friday and Saturday and share what I know about it!! Hope you can come back for a visit!

It's easy, you just need to practice a little first.

See you tomorrow,


  1. Yay...I can't wait because I would love to try this out for myself!

  2. I'll be back. My blacksmith bought a stamp die set and I'm just dying to "borrow" it!

  3. The bookmark is lovely! Looking forward for your post!

  4. Super - I sure was curious about that ---- I should do some research on metal stamping..... Can't wait for Friday!

  5. Karen by the time I stamped my third flat spoon
    I almost had it down pat. Hubby had flatten
    three so that's all I had to plat with. I need
    to try some washers so I will be interested to
    see your technique. I had trouble getting my
    letters even. I am looking forward to your

  6. Yeah!! Can't wait! Thanks Karen!

  7. Very interesting.... oh no not another craft project!

  8. What a wonderful find. Such amazing ideas. I live in Italy and hope to find them here. Thanks and I just want to say I shall follow your blog now that I have found you.. Alison

  9. Yeah! I have my tea dividers set aside. I am glad you are going to share this with everyone. My other thought was stopping in at an antique store to pick up an old key or jewelry piece.

  10. What a great think about Metal Stampings on the bookmark. Just make bookmark on particular bookmarking site and get back your back link from different site.


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