
Monday, January 3, 2011

Belated Wishes...We've Been Away

A very belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! We drove Christmas morning from New England to Florida to visit a few of our favorite friends.

Two days of driving, but we always stop here for our traditional picture. We had to drive further south on the first day to miss hitting the blizzard on the east coast. Normally we drive to Disney in the spring or summer...

so this is our first time at Christmas, but we didn't expect...

this! Yikes it was freezing...20 degrees and a wind chill factor I'd rather not mention.

We packed for all kinds of weather, so we were all set!

No matter the weather this is still a magical place.

Details are every where in Disney!

We all had such a great I'll have more pictures to come this week. Just wanted to stop in and say hi and will catch up on emails this week. Unfortunately, we caught a stomach virus or the flu while we were there. Hubby had it on the last day and I had it on the ride home on Saturday. BAD!! Poor Courtney woke up with it this morning too. So happy we're home for her. Seems to be on an every other day schedule. Kelsie and Courtland are doomed I think!

Have a great day and stay healthy,


  1. Welcome home Karen! Sounds like you had lots of family fun up until the bug hit!


  2. We were in Florida at Christmas 5 years ago and had the same type of weather! We had to wear mitts. We later found out the weather was the same as in our town in BC, Canada!!!

  3. We had a wonderful Christmas DAY, but the next day the temps plunged down to the 20's! NO FUN for this Florida girl. We've been enjoying high 60's and low 70's for the last few days, and it is glorious. Yes I LOVE Florida :-)

  4. Too bad you weren't here last week, it warmed up and was beautiful, of course it's getting chilly this morning. We have a saying in Florida, if you don't like the weather wait five minutes it will change.

    We missed you while you were gone, I kept looking for my TT fix, haha glad you were on vacation.

    Nanette (wont let me sign in with google acct)

  5. Glad you had a good holiday, altho cooler that you'd have liked. We're having a really old fashion lots of snow winter! Can't wait to see what new ideas you're coming up with this year. Have a great week. Jo in MN

  6. Glad you had a safe trip but sorry it was so cool. We've never been in winter, either, but are doing that later this month. I am hoping the temps are "normal"...which would be in the 60's during the daytime. That's fine for us who lived years in NJ....anything over 50 and sunny in the winter has us smiling. Where did you stay while there?

  7. happy new Year Karen!! What a great vacation!! One Christmas, I was down in Tampa and we got snow!!!!!!!! That was different!! The snow flakes never got to the ground but we could see it while driving. I love Disney World. My kids are still waiting for us to take them but it is just so expensive to fly from here plus all the expenses. But sometime in the next two years we will go, it is a promise to them.
    I hope you all feel better soon!!!

  8. Happy New Year! Great to hear you've been enjoying yourself, not including the flu of course. More whiskey - kills the germs. That's my advice!

  9. Happy New Year! I love Disney at Christmas! Maybe next year.

  10. Happy New Year Karen to you and your family. I'm glad ya'll had a good time but sorry you
    caught a bug. Sure hope everyone is feeling
    better. I can't believe you left snow on Christmas and all of us was wishing for some.
    It's a different cold down south compared to
    North. Ours is a wet cold. Can't wait to see
    what TTT you have.

  11. So you went to Fla. drove through Atlanta probably and did not stop to see me. ok I'll just have to deal with that.


  12. Happy New Year! Florida is always fun! Welcome back to blogland! :)

  13. Welcome back you will never know how much you have been missed.


  14. Just catching up on my blogs - we were in Disney World too between Christmas and New Years!! What fun, but wasn't it CROWDED!!! We were supposed to leave two days after Christmas, flight got canceled and we didn't leave until Tuesday o:( Were did you stay? Were you there for New Year's Eve? What fun to be there on that night!

  15. Family time is the best time.


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