
Monday, August 2, 2010

There's a Good Reason Why I'm Late with the Winner...

It was my anniversary yesterday!! 23 wonderful years being married to greatest man on earth. He's loving, kind, caring, funny, patient, always helpful and loves his family to pieces! We had a great in the morning, then we went out for breakfast. We decided not to buy gifts or cards for each other, so we bought flowers and a gift for a friend's mother who is in a nursing home from a knee replacement. Later on we went to Foxwood's Casino to see Legends in Concert. Our daughter Courtney had received complimentary tickets at her work, so she gave them to us! It was unbelievable...all 5 singers looked exactly like the originals. The dancers and costume changes were amazing. The 5 we saw were...Bobby Darin (Mack The Knife and Beyond The Sea were my favorites), then Tim McGraw (he was great too), Shakira, Prince and Elvis. If you get the chance in your part of the country to see this show, it's wonderful. It changes all the time!
And now I'll stop talking and announce the winner of the Christmas cookie cutters. Random number generator picked #19, so the winner is...

Suzan from...

I am going to resume my Sharing on Sunday again in September. These next few weeks in August are going to be crazy. We're having over 100 people this Saturday for Kelsie's graduation party, family is visiting from out of state, then we need to pack up both girls for college and then the big move in the last weekend in August.
Have a great day,


  1. Happy Anniversary Karen! Sounds like you had a good time, and busy times ahead!


  2. Happy anniversary, Karen and what's his name! Now, on to the next 23.:):) Enjoy your August and your guests.

  3. Dear Karen, Happy anniversary and I wish you luck (and wishdom) with the upcoming busy August.

  4. Happy Anniversary! My husband and I just celebrated our 27th. We have much to be thankful for! Best wishes to you during this busy August.

  5. Well, congratulations to you!!! Keep counting and enjoying each and every year! We've seen Legends at Myrtle Beach and were amazed at how good the impersonations were!

  6. Happy Anniversary! Ours was yesterday too! :0)

  7. Happy anniversary! It sounds like it was a fabulous concert.

    Congrats to the winner.

    You will be busy this week!

  8. Happy Anniversay! we will be celebrating our 33rd this March. Sounds like you live in my neck of the woods. Glad you had a great day!

  9. Happy Anniversary!

    Your celebration sound like a great one! Take it easy next few weeks!


  10. Happy Anniversary Karen! Sounds like you had a wonderful day together.

  11. Karen and the "greatest man on earth" Congrats on your anniversary. We will be celebrating
    our 43rd. in Sept. Sounds like yall
    had fun. That was very sweet of your daughter to give you her tickets. Aren't kids wonderful, I
    can't imagine life without them.
    Congrats to Suzan!!!":O)

  12. Happy Anniversary! If you went to Foxwoods, you must be near where I grew up. Gales Ferry, CT. I went back a few years ago and went to Foxwoods and all I could think was Land of Oz. So funny to see that complex in that area, which hasn't changed a whole lot except for FW in 30 years. :-)

  13. many Congratulations on your Anniversay!

  14. Congrats to the winner.

    Sounds like you will have a busy month.

    Happy Anniversary!

  15. Happy Anniversary Karen! We'll be having our 22nd next July.

  16. Happy Anniversary Karen. That was so sweet of you and your husband to think of your friend's mother. I think that is a nice idea. The concert sounded fun. Congrats to your winner!

  17. Happy Anniversary!
    I must have missed that, where are you moving to?


  18. Happy belated anniversary, sounds like it was wonderful from beginning to end.
    Congratulations of Suzan.


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