
Sunday, August 8, 2010

I Can't Keep The Secret Anymore...Woo Hoo!

On July 27th, I received the email of a life time. Carolyn from Accuquilt wrote saying she wanted to send me a FREE Accuquilt GO fabric cutter to try, review and do a tutorial on how well it works. On that day, in your part of the world, if you heard a far away noise, it was me screaming around the house telling my family about this email.
Well, my GO! was delivered late Friday afternoon. The unfortunate thing was we had over 120 people coming the next day for Kelsie's graduation party, so this is my first chance to tell you about it. I will be playing with this wonderful piece of technology all day, all week, for the rest of my life!
Here's the best part of the story though. I will be doing a tutorial/review on my Accuquilt Go, sometime this week. On that tutorial post, there will be a give away for another FREE Accuquilt GO fabric cutter for one of my blog readers. WOO HOO! Can you believe it? They will send one of you a free Accuquilt Go! I think I'm going to cry, I'm so excited about this.
So look for the give away post this week to enter for a chance to win. Remember, this is not the post to be entered! In the meantime, while you're waiting, hop over to Accuquilt and look at all the wonderful things they have on their site.
Have a wonderful day,


  1. happy for you how exciting and to be doing a giveaway to make someone else happy & excited I'm going to have my fingers crossed praying that somone will be me but, I'll be happy for someone else will be on the lookout this week till then "Happy Cutting"

  2. Congratulations! How exciting! :0)

  3. Woohooooooo!!!!! Congratulations, Karen. That is awesome! I thought I heard a scream all the way here in CA.

  4. What a treat for you! Cutting is my absolute least favorite part of quilting. Can't wait to hear how you like it!!

  5. I wondered what that loud scream was all about!!

    I have been coveting one of these 4-evah!!!

    Will be watching to see what I have to do to enter your giveaway... I am ready to run naked through the streets or make a video of my favorite recipes...or whatever else it takes to enter...

  6. Congrats and you are going to have so much FUN!!!! You deserve it and they made an excellant choice! Can't wait to see what you do with it.

  7. Carolyn has been a busy Santa indeed!! The scream you heard coming from the West Coast was ME!! I also got my email of a life time..Mary from Quilt Hollow also got one. Carolyn sure has a fantastic job!! I haven't received mine yet so I will be watching your blog for the can they be anything but GREAT!!
    Have fun!

  8. how exciting for you and someone else!!!! (me,me,me,lol)

  9. I heard all those screams in NC. I can hardly wait for the giveaway.

  10. OMG!!!!! That is so great!!!! I would love to be a fly and take a peak at you playing with that machine!!!! Just like a little girl with a new toy.
    Can´t wait to post my comment to win one . I don´t know anyone with one of those around here. Congratulations!!

  11. What a dream come true!!! I will be watching for your posts this week!

  12. Congrats, Karen. I can just see you doing the happy dance all through the house. You deserve this. You share so much with us and I'm so glad you won. Now, if I need to flatter, brown-nose more or whatever else, (plead, beg, send you my stash, etc) I want to win one too. I can't wait to see your tutorial! Way to go!

  13. That is so exciting Karen. I'll be looking for your post to enter, sounds like a pretty fun toy.

  14. Wow, Karen, you are one lucky lady! I sure could have used one of those this weekend, cutting loads of 5 x 2 inch rectangles for my I Spy quilts! I'll be on the lookout for your review and giveaway! Can't wait to see how you like it.


  15. Congratulations! I am so jealous! No matter what I do I can't seem to get an email from AccuQuilt or win one--I can only keep on trying!! I am really getting discouraged....

  16. Yay for you, yay for us!! Congrats and I'll be staying tuned!! Have fun *playing*! :)

  17. Karen,

    Congratulations. I'm truly very happy for you!


  18. Congratulations Karen, now you will cut fabric fastest and with more accuracy.

  19. Congratulations what a wonderful gift and opportunity for you. I'll be sure to enter the Giveaway.

  20. Squeee! That is so exciting for you! And I'm really exciting for your giveaway! The AccuQuilt people are awesome!

    xo -E

  21. YAY!!! I am really happy for you!!! SO many of my blogging buddies have them now...and it's so nice to share ideas with each other!

  22. "Way" to "GO", Karen. You certainly deserve this honor with all that you do for others. There are "sew many" that follow your blog with your great Tool Time Tuesdays and benefit from your tips.

    Congrats to someone who TRULY deserves a GO. Now GO get started. LOL

    Blessings to you.

  23. Congratulations. They must have great confidence in you. Enjoy the new technology.

  24. Very exciting! They have one at our quilt store that customers can use but I haven't tried it.

  25. I was a little too far away to hear the scream all the way here at the West Coast, but I can feel your excitement! How fun to get such an email, lucky you, plus actually receive the wonderful machine! I want one too....

  26. Your scream was heard all the way to Hawaii & the volcano erupted a little more forcefully because of it!
    I'm beginning to think I am the only person in the world who hasn't received a free one yet!

  27. You know..I think I heard your joy here in California. Have a wonderful time!

  28. That is so awesome!!! I just love mine and I am so happy you get to play with one now...

  29. Congratulations. Don't know how you kept it quiet! I think I heard your scream way down here in NZ!!!
    Can't wait to view the tutorial.

  30. Oh you lucky girl!! :o) How fun!
    Sincerely ~ Tricia

  31. AccuQuilt is really being generous with these. Maybe I can win one!

  32. Congratulations!!!!!
    Ohhhh!!!!I'm waiting for the moment that you do the tutorial! I'll be here .... Ohhh how I would like be the next lucky !!!!!!

    I THANK YOU for this opportunity!!


  33. I was just thinking about this, I saw a awsome Butterfly quilt I want to try, this would be PERFECT! Can't wait for your tutorial.
    have fun!

  34. Woohoo!!! Congratulations Karen!!!

    I hope Kelsie's graduation party was a huge success!

  35. Karen, I'm here via Barb's blog Bejeweled Quilts.

    I just know your GO! giveaway will be my lucky chance. [fingers crossed]


  36. well well well just how lucky are you!
    Hope Kelsey's party went well and you had fun as well!

  37. Congrats!!!! Enjoy your new tool!

  38. Congratulations, Karen, what an awesome little machine. It would certainly make cutting out fun. Looking forward to seeing the tutorials.

  39. Congratulations~ that is awesome news! Have fun playing with it!

  40. Oh Wow! How awesome is that :) I can hardly wait to have a GO at winning one :)

  41. wow! How wonderful for you...and someone else!

  42. Have a fabulous time with your GO Karen! I'll be watching for the post for your give away!

  43. Karen,
    I do know how exciting it is to be in your place, recieving an email telling you that you are a winner. I happened to me earlier this year with EQ7.
    Have fun working up your tutorial and having yor give away.

  44. Karen, this is wonderful news !!! I didn't even know there was such thing as a fabric cutting machine, so I am all excited about it. I just signed for a Cutting class with my local quilting shop !!! LOL !! I look forward to your review.

  45. Congrats, Karen! I'm sure they picked you because you do such wonderful tutorials. Very clear and with great pictures. Can't wait to see this one! Have fun.

  46. Wow, that is so cool for you Karen, enjoy all the playtime with your new toy ;-)

  47. Congratulations! what a wonderful surprise!

  48. Congrats ! Can't wait to see your projects.

  49. YAHOO AND BLOW ME DOWN!!! CONGRATS!!! Karen that is wonderful. I love new toys to play with when it comes to sewing. That
    looks like I NEED (notice need) one
    of those. Hubby always uses the excuse and I quote "the opportunity
    arose" so hmm I know what to say
    now when I get one.":O)

  50. Congratulations! This is so exciting. Looking forward to your review and give-away:)

  51. Ooooh! Have fun playing with that! I'm very jealous!

  52. Congratulations! My ears are still ringing from that scream!I can't wait to see what you do with the new GO.

  53. You are the second person I know who is having a lucky week, lol. I can't wait to see your review.


  54. You are soooo lucky! I want to scream "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!" for the giveaway GO. Have too much fun and I know you'll do a fab tutorial.

  55. Wow! How lucky are you! I look forward to your tutorial. I would love to have one, but won't get another Facebook account for a chance to win. They are a wonderful company, though. Have fun. Winona

  56. How great for you! I'm looking forward to more on the accuquilter.

  57. Good Morning and Congratulations,
    I'm anxious to see more about how this works. Have a terrific Tuesday ~Natalie

  58. WOW what a happy day for you. Looking forward to your review.

  59. I have been drooling over those since the first time I saw them. I just haven't worked up the courage to actually get one. Have fun with it and I look forward to your tutorial/review!

  60. Woah, Congratulations, I'm doing a happy dance for you.

  61. i heard that scream!!!! and i can only imagine your excitement my belly is doing wee flips for you!!!! xx


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