
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Winner of Sharing on Sunday Christmas in July...

Hello everyone! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. The winner of last week's peppermint paper set is #26...

Elizabeth from Such a Sew and Sew
just send me an email with your snail mail address.
You must go visit her blog. The whole blog is great, but scroll down until you see her Snowball quilt she made for her sister's wedding shower. It is FANTASTIC!!! My favorite is the free motion quilting that makes the quilt all crinkly and her snowballs are sooo cute too. Love it!

Be back with another Sharing on Sunday give away in a bit,


  1. Karen, I am so excited about the peppermint paper! That will be perfect for my little newsletter this year. I just love your Christmas in July theme for Sharing on Sunday this month. And thank you so much for the kind bloggy shout-out! You are too sweet!

    xo -E

  2. Congrats Elizabeth!!!":O)


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