
Monday, May 3, 2010

This Is For The Birds..No, Really It Is

Dollar store strikes again. I bought these birds for what else a dollar each, but couldn't just leave them alone. This is a semi before picture, because I had already started to paint it.

I used just plain old white craft paint, but it was a little too white. I started mixing this and that...a little cream, a little tan and it came out to the perfect creamy white.

and here they are in all their proud to come from the dollar store. Actually, now that I look at this picture, everything in it is either clearance or consignment. Except for the little books...they were the girls' when they were babies. I just love the color of them and the memories too.

I did leave one in it's original color...brown with flecks of blue, because it match a little area in the kitchen.

Old white lamps that were in the girl's room when they were little, spray painted black...

and a cute little metal cake stand that was 75 cents at my favorite consignment shop. The nest with the blue eggs were on clearance too.

I think you get it by now...I don't pay full price for anything.
spaceI did do a little sewing this weekend and some of it is for tomorrow's Tool Time Tuesday.
See you tomorrow,


  1. Just beautiful! I love birds of all colors.

  2. Great way to update for Spring! Now I am off to the Dollar Store :)

  3. I agree! Why pay full price for anything? Love the birds.

  4. You have such a creative mind. Love what you did with the birds.

  5. Another great idea Karen!I love to repurpose items. Those birds would look great in a couple of my displays so I'm adding the dollar store to my list of errands. Thanks for the tip!

  6. I absolutely love how you were able to make these birds work for you, a very good reminder for us to think outside the box!

  7. Hi Karen - Love the bird idea! Wish we had dollar stores here like you do! Ours is pretty lame. I received the magazine and sewing necklace! Love both. Read through the magazine twice already and have a quilt picked out to make; and what a cute idea for a sewing necklace! love it. thank you again, jo

  8. Hey Karen, I think we need to go shopping and then spend a day sprucing up things around here! But really, you have a great talent for decorating - everything looks great.

  9. Wonderful decorating. If it isn't on sale we don't buy it. Most of the fun is in the hunt and the memories are so much better remembering looking for and then finding just the right thing.

  10. So cute! I love birds for decoration and have a couple. Now I want to check the clearance section of my local craft store!

    (Um, the first picture looks like some other bird got to yours first :P )

  11. I also try never to pay full price for anything!!! It's a challenge and I really enjoy it!!! GREAT work with those birds (and all the other stuff around them, too)

  12. Love these birds, man, nothing like these at my dollar store! Very cute finish, Karen!

  13. What wonderful birds! I want to know at which dollar store you're shopping! If I love something, I love it twice as much on sale!


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