
Monday, March 1, 2010

Deeply Saddened...

I met Lynda from Maine...From My Farmhouse Window when she first started blogging. I was involved in 2 block swaps with her. I am so sad this morning to hear the news from her daughter Courtney that she has passed away suddenly. Please go visit her blog and read what her daughter has posted.
Hug your loved ones today,


  1. I was just getting to know Lynda and was sad to read of her sudden passing. May she rest in peace.

  2. Oh how sad! I'm so sorry. :0(

  3. I am so truly sorry, such a loss can be felt throughout blogland!

  4. I had only recently found Lynda's lovely blog. I was very sad to hear about her passing.

  5. OH, my God...NO.....I "met" her when she was kind enough to send me a walking foot (she had an extra) that fit my machine. I am VERY sad to hear about this and will go look now to express my condolences to her daughter.

  6. Karen - I'm so sorry for your loss. Thanks for the head's up. Jennifer

  7. OMGosh, so sorry. I was not a follower, but had been to her blog. And she is my age....that always affects me anymore!
    Take care and hugs to you, Karen!

  8. I never connected with Lynda, but she apparently touched the lives of many here. It's very sad.

  9. Karen, this is truly sad....are you the Karen she asked to finish her unfinished projects? If there is alot, I would be happy to take on one..... I would like to say I do awesome work, but I do good enough to do one of her projects if you want...

  10. Karen~ I am so sorry for the loss
    of your blogging friend. That is
    so sad when they are taken away
    so quickly. My prayers go to her

  11. Oh my gosh, that is horrible! My thoughts and prayers are with the family.


  12. So sorry to hear that Karen!
    Take care!

  13. Hi, Karen, I am so sorry to learn this about your blog friend...sometimes I think our blog friends know us better than the people we see at work everyday, and I'm sure you will miss her presence...

    I will head over and leave a comment from her daughter.

    Take care ~Natalie

  14. That is very sad, I'm sure she will be greatly missed.

  15. Karen, I'm very sorry to hear about your friend Lynda. I will be praying for you and for their family.

  16. Karen, I am very sorry to hear about your friend passing away. I will be praying for you and her family.

  17. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend Karen. I didn't know her but it's a terrible thing to lose a good friend. My thought and prayers are with you, and her family.

  18. So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Each new day truely is a gift.

  19. Oh Karen, isn't it special that we all feel such a friendship here in blogland? I wasn't a follower, but visited that site every once in a while just to see what she was doing.
    Such a shock as she was such a vibrant woman.


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