
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tool Time Tuesday...Moved to Wednesday, But...

Sorry everyone, but I have to move Tool Time to Wednesday this week. With Kelsie's dance competition this past weekend and a crazy Monday schedule...the tools aren't happening today.
However, I will share with you some very random pictures.
First picture is super duper hubby. It's his birthday today!! Happy Birthday!!! This picture was taken on our Boston trip and epitomizes how patient he is. He is always sitting and waiting patiently for us...either in a quilt shop or like this picture outside the Sephora store where the girls are shopping for make-up. Love you and hope you have a wonderful birthday!

This random picture is a re-cycle. I used an old Victoria's Secret body soap pump, put a hang tag on and now we use it for hand soap on the kitchen sink.

This is a muffin tin for all your sewing odds and ends to use by your machine.

This is a before and after of a very old mug tree.

Now I use it for all my scissors and rotary cutters.

Here's another re-cycle, but oops the picture is turned...sorry. Just save old birthday cards and turn them into gift tags for bags.

Cut the back off and just make sure there isn't any print on the inside of the front of the card.

Punch a hole in the card.

and use it as a hanging gift tag for a birthday gift bag. Just write on the back of the blank side of the card.

You can also cut it down if there is writing on the front that you don't want. Here I am cutting off the bottom part.

Just punch another hole in the corner and...

attach it to the bag and just write your message on the back. Super easy, cheap and re-cycled!!

I'm off to work so I will see you tomorrow,


  1. As usual some wonderful ideas that I can use....thank you! Always looking forward to tool time even if it is on Wednesday....have a great day.

  2. Gee...for it not being a Tool Time Tuesday post today, you sure showed a lot of your past great ideas in one spot...which is great. Happy B'day to your hubby.

  3. I really enjoy your posts and your 'outside the box' thinking! Love the birthday card makeovers particularly! Yesterday as I went from straight pins to basting pins to binding clips, I thought how useful it would have been to have that metal strip with the magnetic lidded containers . . . that will definitely be my next project!! :)

  4. Always find your ideas useful but can't always get the stuff here in the UK. This post is great because everything is available here, including an old mug tree I have in the kitchen!

  5. Happy Birthday to your husband. He sounds like a keeper. I have one of them too.

    Love your ideas. The mug tree is my favorite. I will share that one with my guild, as I have tip of the month in a couple of weeks. Love it! Thanks again.

  6. Happy Birthday to your husband. He sounds like a keeper. I have one of them too.

    Love your ideas. The mug tree is my favorite. I will share that one with my guild, as I have tip of the month in a couple of weeks. Love it! Thanks again.

  7. Thanks so much for the lovely items you sent me, they are already in the frames!!! Love, love, this idea and speaking of love, I am passing these on for Valentine's day.
    Great ideas once again, I have the prettiest dispenser my daughter gave me years ago and now I am going to set it up with water for my upstairs bath. And I have done a version of the cards for many years, copying the old fashioned habit of attaching them to Christmas present as lovely decorations. I save the prettiest ones every year.
    When it gets light here I will take some pics of my new 'frames' and post on my blog tomorrow.

  8. Happy B-day to your husband!

    Thank you for the great recycling ideas! I love the card reusing tip. I did use half a card ones by mistake! :) It was funny, because i made a mistake and saved half of the card and the next time I used that pack I took the top card ...

    Enjoy your day!

  9. Lots of great toolie ideas for a non-toolie post. Thanks for these!!!

  10. Awesome ideas. Love the scissor holder especially. And happy birthday to your dear hubby.

  11. Loved all of your nifty ideas...Happy Birthday to your husband!!

  12. Happy Birthday to your hubby and
    thanks for the mug holder now sissor holder idea. I can get
    mine out of the cabinet and onto
    the sewing table. Keep'em comin'.

  13. Happy Birthday to your hubby! And I just love the re-furbished mug holder into a scissor / rotary holder! So clever. Jenn

  14. There was a lot of goodies in this "non TTT". Love your imagination and always great ideas!

  15. Happy Birthday to your hubby!
    I use a mug tree to hold jewelery, but I think it just might now be a scissor tree, thank you..
    Julia ♥

  16. Lots of wonderful ideas to make old into new.


  17. Karen, you made it "Tool Time" and you didn't even realize it. I love the "card" idea. I DEFINITELY will be using it.

    BTW - my hubby's name is Scott too.
    Happy Birthday to your Scott.

  18. What a bunch of great ideas!! Love the use for the mug tree especially since I have an old one I was about to take to the Good Will! Happy B-day to your guy.

  19. Love the "scissor tree"...that is fabulous!

  20. I do that with my christmas cards too. makes great tags when your family would rather pitch them or take them home with them. some can be quite pretty.

  21. You just ROCK with all of your ideas! They are such great ways to recycle and reuse.

  22. I just stumbled across your blog. WOW, I am having so much fun reading and learning!!!
    I do have to ask though, why do you have golf tees with flowers glued on them for sewing?


  23. Thank you so much for all your fabulous ideas! I'm in the process of planning a dedicated sewing room and, luckily, found your blog just in time! In fact, I shared within a blog article!


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