
Friday, January 22, 2010

Weekend in Boston...

We spent last weekend in Boston looking at a few colleges. The girls love visiting Boston to do their favorite! We've stayed in a few hotels in the Back Bay area over the years, but our favorite is Marriott Copley Place. It is attached to 2 malls with a glass bridge crossing the street so you never have to go outside in the cold winter weather. We drove in this time, but it also has an under the street tunnel from the Amtrak station and the subway system. It's in a great spot and I highly recommend it if you are ever traveling in Boston. The Sheraton and The Westin are also attached to the same malls and are great hotels too. Check all three for the best deals on room rates
There are so many things to do in Boston, but we love Faneuil Hall Marketplace. It consists of three buildings...2 shopping and the center building is all FOOD from all over the world!!!
We had a great time in the 2 full days we were there. Here are a few pictures from the trip. The first are just random shots of us out shopping and the last are books I purchased at Barnes and Noble. The Scrap Basket Surprises has so many great pattern I can't wait to try them, The Lost Quilter was in the clearance for $4.98 so I couldn't pass it up and the last book...Blogging for Bliss will definitely help me with this blog. I'll let you know when I get more in depth with them.
Have a great day


  1. What a terrific family you have. Looks like you had a wonderful time. I would love to visit Boston...maybe someday.

  2. You have a lovely family. I have never been to Boston but it looks to be alot of fun!!

  3. Hi Karen. Hubby and I were in Boston a year (or so) ago for a week. He actually works for Marriott International so you know where we stay..LOL

    I did LOTS and I mean LOTS of tram riding to EVERYWHERE, shopped to my heart's content and visited each place you mentioned so I was so happy to read your post today.

    You'll love this - I even recently bought the same "Blogging is Bliss" book at Barnes & Noble locally. It sits on my bedstand to keep reading it.

    I'm pretty sure I even know the background of the pics you took. What do they say "been there, done that - AND LOVED IT".

    REALLY REALLY loved your post - thanks for the memories.

  4. Born and raised in Boston, I can agree with you... lots to see and do (and eat ;-)! Looks like you all had a great time!

  5. We love Faneuil Hall too. Where are the girls thinking about going to school? Harvard? Boston College/

  6. Karen, I haven't been to Boston in years. My kids college searches did not send us that direction but I will have to reconsider heading there because you made it sound great! I love the book blogging for bliss, it is very good. Meanwhile, love reading your blog and your pics of your family are great! Take care and have a great weekend, Steph

  7. I haven't been in Boston for years, would love to go back there sometime and see things - it is such an interesting city.
    You won't need hints on how to do your blog - you have a wonderful site.

  8. It looks like fun. We love that hotel and stay there each time. The first time we drove to it, we drove around the building three times before we got in the correct lane to get into the parking lot. lol

  9. As we discussed, the Marriott Copley Place was our hotel of choice on weekend "trips" when the kids were young. Love the "mall" shopping and Quincy Market especially in the nice weather. You should try a Duck Tour on your next visit.
    Since we live just south of Boston, we should go in more than we do. Interesting to hear someone else's view of the city. For a play, we stay at the Marriott Courtyard on the street with the theaters. Very handy!
    Good luck with the college search!

  10. I enjoyed your Grandson travelled around the states a couple of yrs ago...and I remember he said he loved Boston, he said I would love it day!
    Julia ♥

  11. I've only been to Boston once for a few days, so I didn't get to see very much of it. Is it time for daughter #2 to select a college? (Or is daughter #1 doing a transfer?)

  12. We love Faneuil Hall! We only went there for the first time last Summer and had a yummy dinner sitting under the stars and fairy lights. SO much fun!! I would love to go stay in the hotel you mentioned. Probably work out cheaper than parking lol!!

  13. Looks like a great time and wonderful finds. Lucky you to find such great books.

    Have a great weekend!


  14. It looks and sounds like you had a great time. Every time we go to Boston, we get lost. You do look familiar, I bet we have passed in the store or a show.


  15. Wow, Boston - how fortunate you are to live close enough to drive in. Living in Western Canada, Boston isn't on our 'drive-to' list, but I did get 2 trips there in 2000, one in January, the second in October - loved the market, the history, the scenery (both times). It's on the list for whenever we get to do an Eastern seaboard trip some day. Thanks for the post - brought back a lot of memories.

  16. Hubby & I visited Boston for the first time last October and we love it! Went to see Blue Man Group while we were there, and shopped at Faneuil Hall Marketplace also. My Dad was born & raised in Boston so it was really special for me to explore it for a couple of days.

  17. Copley Place!! My husband used to work very close to there. He used to talk about it all the time! I've been there a few times. I miss not living in New England. Your daughters are beautiful! They are about the same ages as mine.

  18. Oh my daughter loves the market area of Boston. She has friends from a chat room that get together at least once a year, and Boston is the favorite place to go!
    Easy from Canada too!
    you have a beautiful family!

  19. I would love to go to Boston, but I'm afraid it's a bit far from Madrid, jajaajja
    What a lovely trip and what a wornderful family.

  20. your family is so gorgeous! and your tool time tuesdays are awesome! off to check more! ;)


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