
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tool Time Tuesday...Just Add Snow

Happy Tuesday everyone...for this Tool Time I went to the hardware store, the automotive section, the Dollar Tree and used miscellaneous craft supplies I had. I made this project for family and friends years ago, but thought I would bring it out again with a TTT twist.

We're going to make Snowman Kits!!!
Did you know that this little bucket that would normally hold paint or nails....


could look like this!!!

and then spill out into something like this. I know this one is tough to imagine, but we don't have any snow here, so you'll have to build this little snowman in your mind.

He is a cutie though. See all the steps below to make this snowman kit for yourself or for gifts this Christmas.

Of course you'll need the bucket, because that's his hat. I bought these long candy canes at the dollar store for his arms, but you can always use two twigs or branches.

Next you'll need items for his face...I saw these next two ornaments and I immediately saw a carrot nose.

These silver bells are perfect for his smile...and they already have a snowflake pattern on them.

I found this in the automotive section. It's a funnel for pouring oil in your car...and IT"S ORANGE! Looks like a carrot nose to me!! (I know...I think I need therapy)

Here are the two ornaments ready to be painted.

Ok...these are too cute for words.

Here are some ideas for the charcoal eyes. The obvious styrofoam balls painted black.

or the not so obvious tops from 2 spice jars.

just open the lid...

insert pipe cleaner,

twist the ends

close the lid and you are ready to insert the pipe cleaner in the snow to hold in the eye.

For the buttons down the front of the snowman, I used 3 plastic Christmas ornaments.

Again, insert pipe cleaner...

Twist the ends and it's ready to go.

Here are the same steps for the jingle bells for the smile. You also have to use pipe cleaners for the nose if you are going to use one of the ornaments. Don't forget to add a colorful scarf. The green one that I used in the first few pictures is just a fleece blanket that was on clearance. I cut a long strip out of it to make the scarf. If you use fleece it's a no sew, because it doesn't unravel!!!

This snowman kit will make great gifts for all the children on your Christmas list....very easy to put together, very inexpensive and so much fun for the whole family.
Hope you like this one...Enjoy!!
Have a wonderful Tuesday,


  1. I am laughing over that therapy comment...hummmmm you think? What your mind can come up with is amazing.

  2. SOOOOO cute!!! I bet you wish you had snow just to try it out!

  3. This is such a cute idea! Love the carrots! :0)

  4. How you mind must work in overtime...the imagination you have is so cool...keep the ideas coming...

  5. What a wonderful idea. I know my grandchildren will love it. Thanks so much.

  6. I wish I had your creative mind - your mind seems to be in over-drive and you have so many ideas how nice you are share them all!!!

  7. What a cute idea. We get enough show that it might actually be used!

  8. What a great idea! I think those would make great gifts for my grandchildren. Thanks - Debbie

  9. I LOVE this idea!! Well done!! Now who can I give one to?

  10. Very cute idea Karen!!...

    Have a great week!!


    **P.S Got all my fabric ...Thank you much for the time and effort you put into the swap!!

  11. I'm new to your blog and just can't believe the idea's you come with for Tool Time Tuesday , what a imagination you have .I'm sure I will use many of your idea's ,there wonderful . Thank You for sharing .

  12. Cute idea,but I will never get to
    try it. I live way too far South
    for any snow.

  13. Here I thought it was a picture of an Arizona Snowman. Very cute Idea.

  14. Great idea, Karen....may think about this for the grandkids. Thanks for sharing on always!!

  15. Brilliant idea Karen!

    Once again you surprised us and I love your idea! Thank you so much!


  16. I love this! I love how your mind works. It's truly amazing.

  17. Your a clever one! It's a fantastic gift idea for those who live in snow. Do you sleep at night or do you lay there dreaming up these things?

  18. You should write a book with all of your ideas. I'm sure it would sell.. So cute..

  19. What a great idea! I'll save it for next year and give it to my grandkids (who live in snowyland) as a Christmas present. Where I live it rarely snows.

  20. You should patent that one. But I think Kim D has the right idea, you should write a book!!

  21. Very cute! Almost makes me wish it would snow so I could try it out!

  22. This is so cute!!! You don't know how badly I am wishing for snow now!! I want to run right out and make a snowman or woman kit just to be on the ready!! Although the likely hood of good snowman making snow in North Carolina is pretty low. I do remember one year when I was living in NH when the snow in our driveway was over my head!! I think it was 1992. It snowed and snowed and snowed some more. :o)

  23. I wish we had snow!!! This would be the perfect present for my nephews!! As you can see I am finally catching up with myself. I had tears reading about your sewing room flooding and then tears of joy seeing the photos of your new room. What a wonderful space to create,enjoy, you deserve it.

  24. Hi Karen!!

    Whoopee! I received my I SPY fabric and to say I am thrilled with it is a definite understatement!!! I LOVE ALL OF THESE LITTLE SQUARES!! And so must have taken you days to put these little packets together. And your sweet is this- perfect for travel!! LOve it so much I might just whip up a few for my Hand Quilting ladies while I'm down south Snowbirding! AGAIN ~ THANK YOU, KAREN!

  25. O.K. Karen I have to eat my words
    on living to far south for snow.
    We got just enough for me to eat
    my words,about 1/2". I still could
    have made a tiny tiny snowman. I
    can't believe we really got snow.
    I think maybe the man upstairs was
    listening to me...LOL...:O)

  26. I boought the exact same candy canes here in Canada at Dollarama, makes me wonder if they are part of the same chain?

    I made a Christmas decoration for outside with the exact same bucket, and using those candy canes.

    Gill in Canada


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