
Monday, October 5, 2009

I Spy Fabric and a Great Blog to Share...

Hi Everyone...I received more packages in the mail at the end of last week from some of our I Spy swappers, so I wanted to share the pictures with you. Remember, if you want to be surprised...don't scroll down.
Before I show you the pictures, I want to share a wonderful blog from Ky, one of our swappers. Ky's group blog is called Sew Many Pieces. Here is the description I copied from their blog with the permission of Ky. Thanks Ky!!!
"Welcome to our on-line group of quilters. This is a place where we share ideas and information, we show and tell what we are working on, and get advice and encouragement. If you have thought about creating a blog, but didn't want the hassle or thought you might not write enough to make it worthwhile, then you are welcome to join us here. You don't have to know anything at all about blogging, we'll help you out! We are taking new members, just send us an e-mail if you would like to join our group!"
Isn't this the best idea for those of you who want to share, but don't have the time or energy to keep up a full blog. I know there are a few of our I Spy swappers who don't have blogs, so this would be a great place to showcase your I Spy quilts once you've put them together or any other projects you are working on and want to share. Just wanted to pass this wonderful blog along just in case you weren't aware of it.
Now onto the pictures of some more fantastic fabrics:
These are from Lynda in Maine.

These are from Jenn in South Carolina.
The next squares are from Ky in Texas.

and these are from Mary Grace in Massachusetts.

The next set is from Paulette in Canada!

and these are from Susan in California

and last, but certainly not the least are the squares from Marci in Michigan

I am still amazed by the wonderful selection of squares that keeps coming in...They are all so cute. I'll be checking in again with more pictures once the packages start coming in again this week.
See you for Tool Time tomorrow,


  1. Oh cute! This is so much fun, I am loving the photos! I will be sending mine next week, once the wedding is over!

  2. Hi Karen,

    I am so happy I sign in for the swap! :) I can't wait to get all the pretty squares! I did shipped mine on Friday so I hope you will get it soon!

    Looking forward Tool Time Tuesday!


  3. Those are great squares! I haven't seen a duplicate yet! These will be great quilts!


  4. I'm so excited, especially since I haven't seen my 3 fabrics in the pics. I'll be sending mine out on Wed. Happy Squares!!

  5. Oh my, they get cuter and cuter! I can't help but peek! Great job on the fun fabrics, swappers!

  6. Thanks so much for the plug for the group blog! We have had a few new members sign up! The fabrics are great and all different so far!

  7. I promised myself I wouldn't look next time you posted pictures so I would be surprised but I couldn't help myself! They are all great.

  8. No will power what so ever!! You have us all peeking LOL... they are all sooo cute!! I sent mine left on the 5th so hopefully you get it soon...

    Have a great day!



  9. Can't wait to lay these out to make a quilt! The fabric I ordered came in yesterday, so I'll be shipping my squares soon:)


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