
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Another Batch of I Spy Fabric...

Sorry these pictures are a little late in the weekend. I picked up Courtney at college on Friday for the long weekend break. Saturday we were busy dying her hair, doing laundry, going to a pumpkin farm for mums and pumpkins and then out to dinner. The kids also went to "Trails of Terror" later that night and were scared to death. No really...they came home petrified, laughing, talking fast and telling stories! They went on a haunted hay ride and a haunted maze in the pitch dark. Sunday we went to church, out to breakfast and then our town has a very big Columbus Day Parade. Kelsie marched as one of the captains for the dance line team with the high school marching band. After the parade, we came home for a nice homemade dinner of spaghetti, meatballs and sausage and it was yummy. Family fun the whole weekend and we still have one more day off.
So now I'll stop talking and show more pictures of the I Spy fabric I received last week for the swap. They are all so cute and still no duplicates!!!
This first set is from Angel in Washington:

and these are from Naoko all the way from Japan!!

the next are from Della in Ohio
then there are these from Annette in Utah:

and Evelyn from Washington sent these:

Sandra from Australia sent this next set and I have to mention that she fussy cut the trains for us. Thanks Sandra for the extra work!

The next set is from Zlaty in Pennsylvania:

and these are from Robin in Florida:

and last but not least, Diane set these from Florida:

With these last sets, that makes 24 packages already!! A very big thank you to everyone. So excited for the mail next week. Tomorrow is a holiday here in the states, so no postal delivery. Don't they know we have a swap going on here? I keep holding back on buying my fabric. I purchased one type already, but I have the advantage of waiting, so I won't have a duplicate. It's killing me not to buy what I've seen so far in our local quilt shop. I'll have more pictures when new ones come in this week.
Take care,


  1. Thanks for posting the new arrivals Karen! I love all the fabrics! I am glad you had a wonderful weekend!

    Enjoy your day off tomorrow, too.


  2. I didn't join this since I made I Spy's for the grandkids already...but now I wish I had. Heck...I'd make one for ME with all these cute fabrics I'm seeing!!! I'm glad you're having a nice family weekend with the older daughter home from school.

  3. Glad to hear you had the chance to spend some time with your daughter. I hate the scary stuff that comes out this time of year, but my daughter Lydia loves it.
    Oh, these fabrics are fun, Karen! It must be like Christmas going to your mailbox, huh? I sent my squares off on Tuesday afternoon, so hope they fly really fast!

  4. That's pretty neat that you don't have duplicates yet - I would've thought for sure there'd be some....I'm so excited for this! Thanks for hosting!

  5. Sounds like an excellent fun weekend!

    I'm always happy when I don't see the fabric I've chosen in your pictures!

  6. Thanks for the pics, I've got mine washed and pressed ready to cut and send out tomorrow. Happy to see mine is not in the bunch. I'm seriously excited about the Japanese fabric!

  7. Cute fabrics! How are you planning to use them? I missed that somehow.


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