
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Another Post for Terry...

I just received an email from Laurie from A Yankee Quilter. She is doing the most amazing thing for Terry (read the post I did earlier this morning). She is asking everyone to make a 9 1/2" block, send it to Laurie and she will put a quilt together for Terry and her family. She is also having a give away with 2 great prizes as an incentive.
She is also asking for a donation of a long arm quilter to finish the quilt. Please see Laurie's post here for all the information.
I know we would all like to help, especially after reading Terry's post that the hospital is over an hour away and she still has to get the kids off to school and be back home before school gets out. My heart breaks for her. This quilt will definitely be a source of comfort to let her know we all care and wish we were there to help.



  1. Thanks for keeping us updated....count me in for the block....I'm sure she will really appreciate knowing we all care.


  2. I totally agree great idea and thanks for the update. I'm definitely making a block. It's terrible having something like this happen especially since the economy is so stinky. If my husband were to be down for any length of time it would mean a dramatic change in our lifestyle.

  3. I also made the suggestion on Laurie's blog that each of us who makes a block include a dollar or two so Laurie can use it to pay the longarmer and /or for postage when sending the quilt where it needs to go (since Laurie lives in New England and Terry lives in Ohio)or to pay for batting and backing for the quilt. If 40 or 50 of us each send a couple of dollars along with our blocks, hopefully, a good bit of the expense can be covered. (If we get more money than needed, the rest can be given to Terry who will have many extra expenses now, I'm sure.) I am hoping someone who knows Terry and is a longarmer will agree to quilt this as a donation when Laurie gets all the blocks together for it.

  4. Thanks for the update. I'll make a block and get it in the mail. Like Pat's idea too about the $ to pay the quilter. I'm sure she needs all our comfort and prayers right now.

  5. Thank you Karen. I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Terry, but I have seen her smiling face in blogland... and have been praying for her and her family.

    Now...on to make a quilt block - what a beautiful gesture. It's so nice to be 'doing' something, an act of kindness to show love.

    Thanks for posting about it.
    Hugs! Vikki xoxo

  6. Thanks, Karen. I just offered my long arm quilting service to her for this quilt. I love to do this kind of thing for people in need. It really makes us all feel good.


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