
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

You Need to Visit...

Rebecca over at Rainy Day Kisses. She's having a great give away with some beautiful scrapbooking supplies. I told her I am a wanna be scrapbooker. I save so many things with such good intentions and they are all organized in boxes waiting for me to get my butt in gear, but quilting always seems to come first. I do love to use scrapbook paper for matting in frames, so this will be great. Go take a peek at her blog and comment under the give away post, but then you have to go look at the adorable...and I mean cute, skirt she made for her daughter Kristina. She sewed it with Moda's Woodland bloom fabric...It's so cute I want one for me!!. If you didn't know, Rebecca's mom is Dotti from Apples, Quilts and More. She's a sweetie, so go visit her too. She has some wonderful pictures from a shop hop in Washington state. So hop on over there!!

These first 2 pictures are Rebecca's scrapbook give away and the 3rd picture is the too cute skirt she made!

Have a great night and I'm still working through the replying. Funny thing is that one post about replying to comments generated 40 comments, plus I had a Tool Time post the next day. I'm still keeping my promise though!!


  1. Karen...thanks for visiting Rebecca's blog and thanks for blogging about us! That is very sweet of you! Have an awesome evening!

  2. Thanks for the link...I didn't realize Dotti's daughter had a blog! Oh, and I have a lot of comments to get through...I think it will be days!

  3. Yes, I agree that visiting a blog one should post a small comment. I remember when I first started and a blogger named Suzi left a comment on my blog...I was filled with joy for the rest of the week!
    I called my daughter and had her look to make sure it was right!
    I love your Tool fun.
    Am never getting into scrapbooking, quilting is expensive enough!

  4. Dear Karen,
    I'm writing from Spain, and I wanted to say you that I love so much your blog and your ideas!! (I hadn't written you before, because I'm not good writing in English...)One of this idea is the way you make hexagons: it's so easy and quick!!! I have done a short resume and translated into Spanish your tutorial, and I have invited people who read my blog to visit you... I am sure that from now you are going to have more followers from Spain, but, please, don't forget that I'm the first!!!
    Regards from he South of Spain,


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment...I just love hearing from you!