
Saturday, June 6, 2009

It's Been A Crazy Few Weeks...

and there is still more to come. I had a little time tonight to sew...woo hoo! We've been so busy here with end of the year activities and the craziness will go on for a little while longer. Thought I would share with you all the great things that have been happening around our house.
Kelsie's Junior Prom...she's looked so beautiful!!

her date match perfectly and gave her a beautiful bouquet. They had a great time too!

Courtney was inducted again this year into the National Honor Society. It was a wonderful candle light ceremony where she lights the candle of the students inducted this year.

This is Courtney and her boyfriend Courtland. They were both inducted that night...2 smarties

Courtney's 18th Birthday!! We all went out to dinner and then stopped by my in-laws for cake and ice cream. I can't believe she's that old.

Two years ago, on Courtney's 16th birthday, my mom, Roberta, passed away. Every year gets a little easier. Miss her so much.

and last night it was Courtney's Senior Prom. Lots of people here to see how pretty she looked...another beauty. Boy do I have pretty girls (that's from a proud mamma)

Such a cute couple!!! They has the best time together.

We also had 2 days of dance recitals. Sorry no pictures were allowed during the shows and we were so crazy back stage with costume and hair changes, we only have a few pictures. The girls danced in 10 dances! It was Courtney's last recital, so lots of tears.
Coming up we have award banquets, school dinners, graduation, a wedding, college orientation and Kelsie's drivers test. I sure hope I can read a few blogs, post on my blog and maybe sew somewhere in there. I'm working on some spools of thread blocks in 30's fabric...I hope I can show something soon with that.
I think the calendar is free tomorrow, so maybe I can catch up emailing everyone and commenting on your wonderful blogs. (oh yeah laundry too...boooo)
Have a great rest of the weekend,


  1. Beautiful daughters making beautiful memories! :-)

  2. What a busy time you've had, and your daughters are just beautiful. You have good reason to be a proud Mama.

  3. What beautiful prom pictures of both girls...thanks for sharing. You will have a few hectic weeks and then things will calm down and...before you know it, the older one will be at school and you'll wish it was hectic again (until you adjust to her being gone).

  4. well we can tell you are a proud mom and you should be - beautiful girls!

  5. Wow, have been very busy--making precious memories. Your girls are beauties and they shine so brightly. Hope you are taking care of yourself during this time! I will definitely keep you in my thoughts!

  6. How fun--your girls look so happy! I know how busy you are...we just finished with Chelsi's graduation Friday hopefully things will slow down around here!

  7. The girls are beautiful and Courtland is so cute! Enjoy all the festivities! We're looking forward to Pete's middle school graduation and a very busy summer.

  8. Your girls are beautiful Karen. They grow up so fast don't they?

  9. You have the most beautiful daughters! And what handsome dates!
    Such fun and exciting things happening your home this year! Wow. Love that you're sharing it with us.


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